Since ancient times, from Asian to Native American cultures, the black walnut has been added to diets because of its many nutritional benefits. Throughout the years, research on black walnuts have focused on what’s found in the kernels, and the researched found it to have anti-inflammatory, antineoplastic, antioxidant, antiatherogenic and neuroprotective properties. Historically, black walnuts have been used to treat a fever, kidney ailments, gastrointestinal concerns, ulcers, toothaches, snake bites, and syphilis. Current studies have reported that the husks of the black walnut contain chemicals that stop or slow the spread of fungal and bacteria growth and may even be able to control dermal, mucosal, and oral infections. The many health benefits include cleansing parasites, promotes healthy skin, improves heart health, holds antimicrobial and anti-fungal activity, and helps fight cancer. The black walnuts contains an active constituent called juglone that is known to be effective against worms, tobacco mosaic virus, and H-pylori. Another constituent of black walnuts, plumbagin, has been evaluated for antimalarial activity; and according to results published in Parasitology Research, plumbagin may be considered a new candidate for a source of natural larvicide for the control of Malaria. It is recommended that supplementing black walnuts should only be advised by a health care professional and should be taken in small doses.